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TEXT-IN TOPIC: Okay to taste small samples before buying at the grocery store?

The Wednesday morning Text-in Topic during the Weekday Wake-up was centered around what is morally wrong or not wrong while shopping for groceries.

Duke & Dahl asked “Is it okay to taste test small samples of food before buying them at the grocery store?”  The majority of the responses said no, it is not okay.

The common example are grapes.  Is it wrong for a shopper to eat a single grape to make sure it’s what they want before they take the grapes to the checkout counter for purchase?

Here are the responses sent in from listeners.

Taste Testing Is Not Wrong

“I’m a checker at the grocery store and you would not believe the things people will bring me when they come to check out!  I’ve had things from open candy bar wrappers and empty water bottles to gallons of milk that are 3/4th’s full!  So, in my opinion, eating a few grapes is something that won’t make a difference.”

“If your worried about it, ask the store clerk, they have always told me it’s ok.”

Taste Testing Is Wrong

“No, it’s not OK.  I used to think it was, but l found out that it’s a no-no.”

“Morally wrong but at almost $3.00 a pound- sure don’t want to take home a bunch of sour grapes.”

“You wouldn’t open a sleeve of Ritz crackers to see if that batch was burnt, or take a bite out of the cucumber to see if it’s ripe, why is it okay with grapes?”

“I have been in a grocery store in Idaho Falls when a member of our community got a huge bag of peanut M&Ms in the bulk section and walked around eating them and handing them out to all the kids.  I couldn’t believe my eyes and I have seen lots of Hispanics in the grape section eating like they were starving.”

“It not OK!!  To taste things!  We used to run a small grocery store and if every one tasted stuff there was nothing left to sell, there went the profit if any.”

Let us know what you think!
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