◆ Most of the work focused between Etna and Ames Hill.
As the work expands with the U.S. Highway 89 Etna North highway project daytime speeds have been reduced to 45 mph for the safety.
“The new speed limit has been reduced to 45 mph during the construction times, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.” Darin Robinson, Wyoming Department of Transportation District Engineer said in an interview at the site between Etna and Alpine. “With all the construction it is to protect the workers and the traveling public. We have a lot of equipment crossing the road, and going back and fourth. To make sure everyone stays staff, that speed limit has been instituted.”
While road widening has started near Alpine, the majority of work is underway between Etna and Ames Hill, where fiber lines and water drainage systems are placed underground and power poles are placed in new locations.
Silver Star Communications is coordinating the new fiber as part of the company’s improvements in the Lower Valley this summer.
Lower Valley Energy subcontractors are installing the new power poles.
“It takes a lot of cooperation between the prime contractor and the utility companies so they can keep the work moving forward,” said Robinson. “They need to work together so there are no conflicts and they can get the work done.”
Robinson said plans call for paving to be completed at the end of the summer season. “The goal by August is to be ready to do the FDR (Full Depth Reclamation) then after that do the paving.” he told SVI Media.
He warned that weather may be a factor in the timeline.