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Fundraiser organized for local teen

Treason and Heather Finch (Facebook photo)

Thumbs Up for Traeson now on

On July 18, 2023 the Finch family received one of those calls we all hope that we never receive. Their son, Traeson was on his way back from work for his brother’s birthday party when he fell asleep at the wheel. The resulting accident was a serious one as he was ejected from the vehicle, landing some 60-feet away.

Thanks to a strong will and the incredible efforts of first responders, Traeson survived the accident and was life-flighted to Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center where he has been for the last two weeks.

His father, Anthony, a soldier on active military duty, and this mother, Heather, a local nurse, have traded shifts being by his side during that time. Anthony spoke with SVI and provided an update on his son.

“He spent the first seven days in a coma and he was coming in and out of it for about six or seven more days,” he said. “He’s fully off sedation now, but in and out as far as awareness. He’s kind of agitated right now. Physically he’s healing but he broke his radius and his ulna in his right arm as well as his c2 vertebrae in his neck.”

Even more concerning was the major brain swelling and bleeding Traeson suffered. He has been diagnosed with a Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI) which is defined by the National Library of Medicine as “a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that results from a blunt injury to the brain.”

“He has to have someone with him at all times,” Anthony added. “We are with him now in Idaho Falls. We’re trying to find a neuro [rehabilitation] facility and we’re kind of hoping for [a facility with some kind of living quarters nearby].”

The Finch family is not one that likes or even is comfortable asking for help. But medical bills and time away from work will be a big obstacle in the coming months.

“I’m currently active duty military and on leave right now,” Anthony said.  “They are working with me and seem willing to let me work remotely for now. My wife is a nurse so we’re trying to figure that out as she’s out of leave [time] now.”

Anthony specifically wanted to thank the area firefighters for their efforts on July 18.

“We appreciate the firefighters so much that responded so quickly,” he said. “Nick Skinner and those guys saved his life.”

To contribute to the Finch family and aid them in this time, A GoFundMe page has been organized under the title of “Thumbs up for Traeson.”

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